Hello World


About Me

Hey! My name is Srinath, and it's great to meet you!

Currently, I am a Master's student studying Computer Science at North Carolina State University. I mostly have interests in topics such as Cloud Computing, Software Development, Infrastructure, DevOps. I have various internship and research experience in Computer Science - go ahead and contact me for my Resume. Also feel free to reach out if you would like to collaborate on a project!

Tools and Technologies:

Featured Projects

Personal Website

I maintain a personal website to showcase a few projects as well as general information about myself here. Development in ongoing and new things are always being added!

Nature-Inspired Algorithms Research

I conducted an undergraduate research project to explore the use of an optimization algorithm inspired by the herding behavior of elephants in a text summarization context

Class Mapper

This project was created during the NCSU 2022 PackHacks annual Hackathon. I created this with a partner in order to map sustainable transportation routes to class. The project won 1st place in the sustainability track.

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